Our mission is to create immersive and unforgettable experiences!

Ready for your next grand adventure?
Contact us now!

Before setting off with your party, review our Code of Conduct and Lines & Veils!

About DM Rebecca

I am a level 28 DM who has been hosting TTRPG games for 10 years.
My hobbies include hosting D&D campaigns, playing board games, learning about new technology, and baking.
I specialize in adaptive and evolving character driven gameplay. I have a very relaxed DM style, and am happy to adjust my games and certain rules to further the enjoyment of my players. I value clear and upfront communication and I am always open to feedback. I enjoy helping others and collaborating with the party to create a truly personalized adventure.
DM Rebecca's Character Sheet

Find Your Group

Campaigns I Run

Here are a few examples of campaigns that are currently or soon-to-be in progress.
I am happy to run any published D&D 5E or Pathfinder 2E content upon request.

Lost Mines of Phandelver

You have been hired to escort a wagon of mining supplies from the city of Neverwinter to the hamlet of Phandelin, by a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker. You know not his reason, but he seemed to be in a hurry and has asked that you meet him there as soon as you can.

Join in on this adventure of intrigues and mysteries as a simple escort job evolves into something much more.

Storm Kings Thunder

Unrest among the Giants strikes the North.

The land shudders once again with the mighty footsteps of Giants, who leave nothing but death and destruction in their wake.

Hill Giants are raiding farms while Stone Giants shake the very foundations of settlements. Frost Giant longships plunder the coast, Floating Cloud Giant castles cast unsettling shadows from above, and rumours are spreading of Fire Giant war-parties taking prisoners. All the while, ominously furious storms rage across the Trackless Sea.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

To all those who seek fame, fortune, glory, the thrill of adventure, or answers to the mysteries of the Realm - I, famed explorer Volothamp Geddarm, invite to you to join me in the fantastical City of Splendors, for a job of utmost importance! The grandeur and majesty of Waterdeep, unrivaled in the North will - without exception - exceed your every expectation.

Any who inquire will be generously compensated for their time, and a handsome reward will be given to any and all who complete my quest.

Interested parties will find me at the Yawning Portal Inn and Tavern on the first day of Ches!

-Volothamp Geddarm

"She is an incredible DM! I ended up taking part in [Lost Mines of Phandelver] primarily to see how another DM utilizes FGU. Though I had run several groups through the adventure myself, I was hugely impressed with DM Rebecca's versatility within FGU and her ability to make the adventure feel unique for the group of which I was a part.

So much fun was had! It took a few months of weekly playing to complete the adventure, but it never seemed to drag on. In fact, I noticed how every week players would arrive on time, if not early, just so we could talk more about what had happened and what was expected to happen next. Everyone was keen to continue, and I feel that in itself is a testament to the quality of DM Rebecca is.

I would readily recommend her as a DM and I will be looking forward to signing up on her next campaign!"


"DM Rebecca did a fantastic job at keeping us motivated. She was well prepared and rolled with all the insanity that we threw at her. As a forever home DM myself, she put in the work to prep and made sure that we stayed on task. She added new maps when the module provided maps were lacking and it added to the story. In short, she is fantastic and worth showing up early for. Thank you!"


"DM Rebecca is an amazing GM who has ran a table I have been proud to be a part of for 3 years now. I really appreciate her willingness and effort to work with the players to change the campaign/character to better involve the player. I've worked with her many hours outside of session times to get the feel of the adventure just right for me, and I know she does the same for all her players. It is a treat to play at her table and I highly recommend others to join in on the fun."


"I have had the good fortune of playing two campaigns with Rebecca as DM. She is always prepared and genuinely cares about her players having an enjoyable experience throughout. She has honed the ability to seamlessly combine encounters, creatures, and items from other sources into her campaigns and make them feel like they belonged there from the start, thus creating surprises, twists, and turns that make each campaign unique. Rebecca runs a fun table that is respectful towards all players and is always willing to discuss concerns and ideas any of her players might have. If you're looking to start a Virtual Table Top Campaign, Rebecca would be a wonderful choice for where to start."

- Urion Greycloak (yes, of THOSE Greycloaks)


One Shot
$30 USD/player

  1. 6 Hours of Play
  2. Free Session Setup
  3. Weekly Adventure
  4. Personalized Experience
  5. Adventure Journal
  6. Software Support
  7. Dedicated Group Portal
  8. Background Music
  9. Player Content Resource Access
  10. Audio Recording

Campaign Adventure
$15-30 USD/week/per player

  1. 4 Hours of Play
  2. Free Session 0
  3. Weekly Adventure
  4. Personalized Experience
  5. Ongoing Campaign Journal
  6. Software Support
  7. Dedicated Group Portal
  8. Background Music
  9. Player Content Resource Access
  10. Audio Recording
    (pending consent)

DM Tutorials
$30 USD/week

  1. 4 Hours of Personalized Lessons
  2. Free Consulation
  3. Weekly Tutorial
  4. Personalized Experience
  5. Ongoing Lesson Plan
  6. Software Support
  7. DM Resource Access
  8. Audio Recording
    (pending consent)

Game Amenities

Foundry/FGU Ultimate License

As I have a Foundry and Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate license, you will not need to purchase any software to play in this game.

Free Session 0

Your first session will be free of charge. This allows you to try things out before we get settled into the adventure and get properly acquainted with any fellow party members.

Personalized Experience

Be it a single night or a full campaign,
I will be doing my utmost to tailor this adventure to you. I am always happy to add content that will further your enjoyment of the game, including facilitating one-on-one sessions.

Campaign Journal

Before the next session, I will be providing a summary of the last session’s adventure via your group’s Adventure Portal. The text portion of this summary will also be put into the in-game Calendar.

Software Support

I am available to answer any questions or troubleshoot technical errors as they arise. If something is not working correctly, I will do my best to find a solution. As well, I am always happy to go over the features of the VTT for anyone who would like assistance.

Dedicated Group Portal

Each group will get their own Adventure Code, which when entered in Find Your Group, will connect you to your group’s dedicated webpage portal. For an example of this, try “SKT0000”.

Background Music

As this is a widely requested addition, each adventure will also include musical accompaniment. To limit distractions, this will mostly take the form of area background ambiance or thematic accompaniment where appropriate.

Access to Resources

I will be providing access to all required books for your use. This includes anything for character creation or containing relevant supplement information. I will also provide the party with a Discord server for your use during our time together. We will be using this for Voice during our games.

Audio Recording

If the consent of all parties is explicitly given, I will record each session to use as a notetaking tool for the following session. This tool will only be utilized if all party members are comfortable with it.

Contact us

Discord: zeldaharvestmoon

Email: rebecca@dmrebecca.ca

Fantasy Grounds: zeldaharvestmoon